Monday, October 27, 2008

Ninja - Motocross


War Paint
Black Ninja Warrior & SuperBad Motocross Rider ready for the Halloween Carnival at Cameron's school. We came home with lots of goodies and candy. Trying to work out a "buyout" of next weekends trick-or-treating candy - Cooper practically swallows it whole - we think we can get Cameron to go for it at $1 a piece or so...the other one will take some work!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

9 years today!

We went on a field trip to a local apple farm where Cooper got to "pick 2 apples (lift, twist, pull) and 1 pumpkin", it was so cute walking around with him and his school friends.

Geez, aren't they getting big. It's weird when I'm folding clothes and I think something is Cameron's but it's Cooper's or Billy's and it's Cameron's. It goes by so fast. And also weird as Cooper is now the age Cameron was at Coopers birth. I can't believe that much time has passed. As you can tell from my last post, I am still learning how to post pictures in proper order and without huge gaps of space in between them. I am clueless about these things. I need Billy to load me some of his pictures so I can post them. It must seem we never photograph him but really he's just always on the's a busy life being 16!
Oh, its our 9 year wedding anniversay....Happy Anniversay to us!!

My First Trophy

All that running and kicking paid off. A trophy for #63! YEAH! He's loving it.

End of the year soccer party....playing video games with friends @ RoundTable.

A little advice from dad during 1/2 time of the last soccer game. He found out he loves playing mid-fielder so "I can run all over the field" although in this shot he was playing goalie.

So I realize now you have to post the pictures in the opposite order you want them to appear in, oh well maybe next time.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Fall Fun

SMILE for the camera!

Cameron is enjoying soccer this season. He was playing goalie, but also loves playing forward.

Cooper got to spray the real fire hose at school. He put the fire out in the pond.