Sunday, March 29, 2009


Monsters vs. Aliens 3D.....a fun way to spend the afternoon. Complete with subway sandwiches and red vines. YUM and FUN all in one


Not the type of bird we intended on feeding when we bought the seed.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Happy Spring

Baseball, a definite sign of spring

Something about your kid asleep in their car seat is so precious - nothing to do with spring but so sweet!

The fields around Sonoma County are so beautiful in the spring. (Even though this picture doesn't do it much justice)

Cooper jumping over the ramp on my scooter

I always ask the kids what I should title the entries, Cooper titled this one. Cooper loves to scooter. He will ride around and around the small patch of cement we have. He loves to go over this jump and likes to push himself trying new "tricks" all the time (ahhh).

Over the top
Catching a little air
He's got great balance

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Time for a field trip

Cameron's class went to the Environmental Education Center at Spring Lake. They learned all sorts of things about the environment and how to be respectful of it. They were going rain or shine and it turned out to be a beautiful day. I was so glad I got to go with him.

The lake we hiked down to.

Story time in the rock storytelling cave

Touching a sea star (we learned they are not starfish) and other creatures

The all time favorite. Petting a real (stuffed) mountain lion. This was cool to see because we have one of these living up in the forest area behind our house. Eddie has actually seen it up close. It was great for Cameron to be able to check it - and all the other animals - out!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

If they only gave out A's for school spirit

Billy would have a full scholarship to a great university if they'd only give grades for school spirit. He was voted "most spirited senior" - he's only a junior (yeah, they had to do a recount). He loves to cheer on the football and basketball teams. He is on his way to a championship basketball game. Go Tigers!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Cameron's First Shop

After a day of errands Cameron really wanted an ice cream, but I just hated to make yet another stop and get everyone out of the car. Being the paranoid person I am I have never let him run in a store alone...until now. We stopped at the store at the end of our road "Bill's Farm Basket" where I backed into the front spot. Out Cameron went, pockets loaded with quarters, and into the store for his first shop alone. Below is a picture of the storefront as Cooper and I awaited his return :)

Here's Cameron coming out of the store empty handed, they were out of the ice cream he wanted :(
Well maybe next time, I'm sure he will hit me up again soon enough.