Thursday, April 16, 2009

Happy Birthday Cooper

He woke up early and swears he's bigger. Then, we started the day opening presents. The gumball machine and basketball hoop were his favorites. Oh and the Nitro Circus DVD he has already watched twice.

Then we headed to the San Francisco Zoo.

The highlight was watching the grizzly bears hunt for their meals. They would stand up on their back legs and dive into the water trying to catch a fish. It was amazing to watch.

Then she came up to Cooper to wish him a Happy Birthday.

We decided to catch a ride on a grizzly but thought this statue was a safer route.

Then a pony ride.

After nachos for dinner at Cooper's request, we headed to the local ice cream shop in town for a
birthday scoop - complete with 4 candles.

The wish is in and it was a great birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY COOPER!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Let the party begin

In preparation for the big f-o-u-r, Cooper started by getting a fresh haircut by our favorite barber . Such a big boy sitting up there alone. He really just likes to go for the tootsie pop he gets after your done (you can see them on the counter back there).

Then, we made cupcakes -or are they ice cream cones? - to share with his friends at school

That's right, 4

At school they decorated a crown for him and he was king for the day

On Easter we ate carrot cake Grandma Sylvia brought over...well I'm not sure how much cake got eaten maybe I should say we ate frosting.

All this and the big day isn't even here yet. Geez...what's tomorrow going to bring??

Happy Easter

The bunny rode by and dropped off baskets full of goodies

We colored eggs...or was that fingers?!

We hunted for eggs - a few times. We ate great food and had a happy Easter. We hope you all did as well :)

Tractor Fun

Cameron loves driving the mower around (he's quite good at mowing I might add), he talked Cooper into getting towed in the trailer. Cooper would rather be driving though, he said the ride was "so bumpy".

Our neighbors were replacing their culvert and the boys were lucky enough to catch a ride on the backhoe. They were loving it!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Batter Up!

Cameron had his first baseball game this morning. He played left center and 1st base. He got on base both times at bat. He says he wasn't nervous at all. He is very eager to play catcher because he loves all the gear they get to wear. They all had a ball.

Fielding a ball at first base.

On second waiting to run.

He swings, and misses....aarrgghh

After the it's off to Home Depot and In&Out Burger - yum!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Fever Village

Cameron & Cooper have both been home with fevers for a few days, we've been trying to keep two very active boys mellow. We've done puzzles, moon sand, playdoh, watched movies and built this lincoln log village. We were pretty proud of ourselves when we use all of our 403 pieces building these 7 houses. OK...I'm running out of things to keep them occupied, they need to get better! Oh, Cooper is planning on painting today he wanted you to know.