Saturday, October 30, 2010


Cooper had a skateboard injury about a year & a half ago that knocked his front 4 teeth loose. At the time we thought we were gonna have to pull all of them. Luckily they hardened back up but the dentist warned us that since there was nerve damage he could have problems in the future with them. Well a few days ago he started complaining of a tooth ache. He has a high tolerance for pain so we knew it must be bad. We called the dentist and he said get in here right off we went but not before a quick picture

luckily we got that last toothful smile above because within minutes of being at the dentist he was on the table getting prepped for extraction
he was such a trooper, didn't shed a tear. Even the dentist was impressed. His tooth was abscessed so it was a good thing we went in. Now he and Cameron both have the same front tooth missing.
Just in time for Halloween, a jack-o-lantern pose showing off the new missing tooth. Cooper was pretty excited to share his tooth and story with his class so having the tooth fairy take it just didn't seem like an option. He decided to leave a note instead.
Guess what? It worked! He got to keep his tooth and got $5. Yup, $5 - I know a lot more than we got as kids but inflation you know.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

11 years

We had our 11 year wedding anniversary on the 16th. We had a great time spending the day together and having dinner at the restaurant we had our first "official" date together on 5/31/97. It's pretty cool to be sharing an 11 year anniversary. Happy Anniversary to us! :)

A quick dinner shot taken by a woman who happened to be having her like 21st anniversary

Us ready for our date.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Where have we been???'s been a while. How time flies. It all comes at once and it's been a whirlwind. The kids started school and I started back to work the same day (I am on the school schedule), along with that we started soccer season. This is the first year both boys are playing which meant 4 games a week. So between school, soccer, homework and work you can see why it's been a while.
Today marks the end of the 2010 soccer season. The games got rained out (oh darn) but that doesn't stop the parties. We had a brunch potluck this morning for Cooper's team and are headed to a pizza party this afternoon for Cameron. They both loved the season. They had the same coaches - a husband & wife team with kids the same ages as Cameron & Cooper. They both had lots of their classmates on their teams and loved playing. Cooper was a huge goal scorer and often made several goals in each game. Cameron 's skill improved greatly this season and he had a few goals of his own. His age group is very competitive and the games were VERY exciting. Sometimes us parents thought we were more tired than the kids after the games because we'd get so into it. Cameron's team took 3rd place in a big tournament- (we had 7 games that week)- it was such an awesome win for them. They were sort-of the underdogs going into it and taking 3rd was a huge accomplishment.

Third place... feeling good

Cooper after his exhibition game

Cameron taking control of the ball

Cooper going for it

I hope to be more up to date with photos & such as we love being able to share this stuff with you.