Saturday, April 23, 2011

Having Fun

Cameron & Cooper decided to break out the skateboards. Cooper says "We're being master skateboarders". They did great for not having done it in several months.

Taking a quick break
Cooper going for the big ramp
Cameron's got this one down and now onto the big ramp.
Look out Tony Hawk! :-)

Friday, April 22, 2011

Cooper is 6

Happy (late) Birthday Cooper! The big 6. We celebrated with a yummy sushi dinner - Grandma Sylvia came to party with us - and some "gingerbread" cake as Cooper calls it. He had a great birthday. I can't believe he is already 6. Time flies.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Party Time

We celebrated Cooper's 6th Birthday with his friends this past weekend. We were so glad we realized the Apple Blossom Parade (a huge parade and festival that everyone in town attends)
is the following weekend which is when we were originally going to celebrate. Anyway he had a party with his favorite buddies at Pump It Up - a bounce house. They bounced and played for an hour and then ate cake and opened presents. Cooper says "I had so much fun, it was the best day ever!"
I accidentally turned my camera off rather than snap a shot and missed the blowing of the candles but caught this after shot.
Woohoo.....flying down the slide. I got some great shots of mommies coming down this. We would all fly off the end. It's so fun.
A group shot after playing ....cuties!
So now the countdown begins for the real birthday - 5 days to go!

Friday, April 1, 2011

More Fun Stuff

Continuing to find some rainy week fun we decided to do some baking. There is nothing better than baking on a rainy day. So we made some cookies, some really BIG cookies.

Where'd Cooper go?!
The only part better than making them was eating them!
Wii always comes in handy on a rainy day. We played tennis, golf, bowling & baseball. Whew we were busy. The boys kicked my butt in bowling. Cameron got the top score. We just had to get a picture of this whippin!
Well it's not all fun and games. Both boys had their share of homework too. Cameron had to create a scene from the California Indians Desert Region. He hit all the criteria - hope he gets a good grade.
So we are officially back to the grind with one week down. 8 more to go and were off for the summer!