Saturday, May 26, 2012

Move Over Mozart

Cooper has been taking piano lessons throughout the school year.   It is a great after school program that the kids work at their own pace to learn.  He has been a great student and is very willing to practice each night as part of his homework.  They had a big recital at a local church where he got to show off his skills. 
We were so proud of him for getting up in front of everyone to play on that huge piano (much different from the keyboards they use at the school and for his practice).

He received this awesome certificate!  So like the class name says....Move Over Mozart....Cooper's on the keys!

Cooper says "I like the piano I played on but you had to push the keys a lot harder than I was used to.  It was really fun too."

Saturday, May 12, 2012


37 - the number of holes we dug last weekend
4 - 15 gallon
18 - 5 gallon
15 - 1 gallon
1 1/2 - yards of planting soil we shoveled in
2 - yards of dirt we shoveled out
37 - the number of gopher baskets we made

The Result -

As you can see we were quite excited when we finished!!!  We worked our a@*es off last weekend.  It took us 2 days, 1 sunburn (poor Eddie) and some tired muscles but we did it.  This project has been a year in the making we are so happy to have finally planted.  It's amazing what a few trees & plants can do to make an area.  We've got 4 more 5 gallons we are waiting for.  I don't think either of us minds if it takes a couple of weeks to get them in.  I think we can live without out digging some holes for a bit!

Monday, May 7, 2012

Music to our ears

All the forth graders at Cameron's school are required to take "recorders".  He has been playing all year and has earned 3 belts (the teacher lets them earn belts like in karate - he is a purple belt and was the first in his class to get to purple).  They had a Spring Concert at the middle school last week.  I thought for sure we were in for a lot of Hot Cross Buns.  Much to my surprise, they played 6 songs and they were awesome.  They all did an amazing job.  A few of the girls I spoke to over the weekend were pretty sure they were better than the 5th grade band.  

Cameron is seated third back from the music stand.  I'm hoping he got a taste for performing.  I've been trying to talk him into playing in the jazz band in middle school-I've got a while to work on that one still.