Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Happy Birthday Cooper

Cooper's knows how to make his birthday last (I think he gets that from Eddie) - The Monday following our NBA outing was his actual birthday.  He started the morning bright and early and opened presents before school.  

 We went to Chevy's for dinner - nothing like a good old fashion sombrero on your birthday.

 Billy came and celebrated the evening with us

 I showed up to pick him up after school with these balloons which he loved..
it all sounds like a perfect day but in reality the morning was off to a bad start - the shoes he opened which were the #1 thing he was hoping for were to big and he couldn't wear them to school - then his buddy that was supposed to come over after school had to cancel - then we went to Chevy's and they were out, yes out! of sombreros - he was crushed.  Billy lives close by and luckily had one from his 21st so he ran home and grabbed it to save the day.  Hence the balloons to cheer him up....
 then on Wednesday a couple of friends came over after school for some basketball and fun

 We even had cake (the kids didn't even notice the missing pieces from Monday night!)
So after a week long birthday celebration full of ups and downs - Cooper is officially 8!!

Sunday, April 21, 2013


After seeing the movie Thunderstruck (like 100 times) Cooper has been obsessed with Kevin Durant and the Oklahoma City Thunder basketball team.  He watches NBA & NCAA games all the time and has gotten quite good at basketball himself.  He constantly amazes me with his skills on the court.  

So...for his birthday this year he opted out of a party (which add up when you go to one of those "party" places they rent out) and instead we went to see our local Golden State Warriors vs. Thunder. 
It was the first time any of us had been to an NBA game and Cooper couldn't have been more excited to see Kevin Durant live and in person - which I will say was pretty cool!

He tried to get his attention with this cool sign he made (I still wonder if that girl in the background is old enough to be drinking that beer!)

 Great courtside shot before the game.
 Some action!
The look on Cooper's face when they came onto the court was priceless.  I can't imagine as a kid how cool that must be.  I think that is a memory for him that will bring a smile to his face for years to come.