Monday, January 18, 2010

Cooper's Pictures

Cooper decided to go around the house a photograph things. He took about 100 pictures. It was so cool loading them and seeing all the things that caught his eye. Random shots from 3+ feet high. He is quite the photographer!

the letter "a" he made with the toothpicks we used to see if our cake was done

old man Clyde in one of his favorite spots

crooked head Bonnie

his slipper on his foot

the game

Cameron's backpack

his shoe

his mode of transportation around the house...I mean really who wants to walk???

and us...good old mom & dad. (love the picture of him in the background)

1 comment:

Sylvia said...

This is fabulous. Cooper takes better photo's than Grandma S
and how about those NO Saints!
On to the Super Bowl.