Saturday, February 6, 2010


Supercross that is. We went to the Supercross @ AT&T Park. We didn't walk the pits this year, the kids thought it was too crowded last year. Our friend Troy did and got the kids a ton of cool posters. We got to see some great racing and even a few good wipe-outs. Oh yeah, and had some $10 cotton candy of course. (I won't even tell you how much the beers cost).

5 minutes till racetime

Ready for it to start

Cameron's favorite part of watching the race

Finally, Cooper got his cotton candy!

Eddie & his BFF Troy.

1 comment:

Sylvia said...

This is a great posting! Cameron and his tractors...I know kids love their trucks and tractors but no kid loves tractors like Cameron Ezell Norris. Have fun camping!
G'Ma S