Saturday, July 31, 2010

Random Summer Fun

Mastering the skateboarding skills

The boys & I on a bike ride - some of these trails were brutal. We walked and pushed our bikes alot that day-poor Cooper can't change gears!

A stop at the Jelly Belly Factory. We took a tour to see how they are made (boring) and bought a bag of "Belly Flops" - the misshaped one's they sale for about 1/2 the price. Yum, they still taste the same.
Clean-up fun
We went on a hike at the beach and ate some fish & chips. We ended up playing on this beach for a few hours. It was unplanned and we didn't have a thing with us - sometimes those days work out the best - we had so much fun!

1 comment:

Sylvia said...

The bathtub is shot is hysterical!