Sunday, October 23, 2011

Tree Trimming Time

What? Is it Christmas already? No, just trying to save our willow tree that's in front of our house. For some reason this year it just seemed to struggle. It's a huge beautiful tree and needs to be saved so Eddie & a friend rented a lift and them & the boys cleaned the thing up. It's a little freaky seeing your kids up so high but Cameron loved being up in the lift helping out.

Our new neighbors have wanted a tree cut down and hit them up to do the job while we had the lift. Here are Eddie & the boys heading over..
Cooper had to have a turn up high. Super freaky with him up there he's so little Eddie & I were scared he'd fall through
A nice ariel shot. We are about to do some landscaping on that dirt side....I'm sure you will be seeing pictures of that when it's done.
Cool front shot of the surroundings
I guess the only shots we don't have are a before & after of the tree. Hopefully it works and it will be looking beautiful again next Spring.

Thursday, October 20, 2011


We survived the 2011 soccer season. In 5 days we had 7 soccer games & 2 soccer parties. Whew...that was a lot. It was also a lot of fun. The boys each had a game during the week and played in a tournament on the weekend to finish out the season. Cooper scored a goal in one of the tournament games and Cameron had several awesome plays.
Here is Cameron's (#11) team ready to play - love the hair
They have their "game faces" on!

Cooper #3 in action with the ball (of course I missed the goal shot)
Cameron #11 in action - his team nickname is the bulldozer.
Cooper with all his swag. I should have got the medal around his neck it's soccer balls & apples in honor of the Harvest Cup Tournament

Soccer is a lot at the beginning of the school year when we are trying to get back into the swing of things. But we are all gonna miss it....until next year.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Happy Anniversary

to us! Today is our 12 year wedding anniversary. We celebrated by going to a soccer game and doing yardwork. haha - although we did enjoy a nice romantic dinner (without kids - thanks gma Sylvia) last week. We have been having a great day and have laughed at the perfect cards we got each other. Ahh, all this love after all these years, we feel blessed!
I have included a few wedding shots to mark the occasion...

So Happy Anniversary Eddie & Melissa xoxo

Monday, October 10, 2011

Where have we been?

We've been so busy with school, work & soccer it seems like I never have time to do much else including updating our blog. It's Monday today and by Sunday @ noon we will have had 6 soccer games & 2's going to be a busy week! Due to some school budget cuts I actually had today off (see, I guess those budget cuts are good for something!) and had a little time to get some things done. So here is what we've been up to lately.
Making time for an after school snack.
Washing our dirty dog.
Running laps in the school jog-a-thon. Cooper did 19
Cameron did 24
And posing for a quick soccer picture.
So if we survive this week the 2011 soccer season will be officially done! Then we will back to wondering what to do with all of our free time.