Thursday, October 20, 2011


We survived the 2011 soccer season. In 5 days we had 7 soccer games & 2 soccer parties. Whew...that was a lot. It was also a lot of fun. The boys each had a game during the week and played in a tournament on the weekend to finish out the season. Cooper scored a goal in one of the tournament games and Cameron had several awesome plays.
Here is Cameron's (#11) team ready to play - love the hair
They have their "game faces" on!

Cooper #3 in action with the ball (of course I missed the goal shot)
Cameron #11 in action - his team nickname is the bulldozer.
Cooper with all his swag. I should have got the medal around his neck it's soccer balls & apples in honor of the Harvest Cup Tournament

Soccer is a lot at the beginning of the school year when we are trying to get back into the swing of things. But we are all gonna miss it....until next year.

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