Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Keeping Busy

We've been keeping around here trying to get our little landscape area complete enough atleast not to be a mud pit for the winter. We've decided to plant in the spring because we feel if we try to do it now (before it gets to cold) we will be rushing and not make great decisions. Eddie worked to put all our drainage in to route the rain water away from the house which was a big chore so we feel good getting that done.
Cameron & Eddie took a break to help out our neighbors who were shoveling their rock by hand. Cameron got their driveway looking great in a matter of hours. What great neighbors we are :-)

Good thing Eddie wasn't home to see this. She's not supposed to be on the furniture but how cute ?!
One high priority project was to get our path leading from the driveway to the backyard done before the rainy weather. We got it shaped and the base rock done on Sunday. (Loved the extra hour from the time change)

It's so tempting to rush and get things planted. We have several steps to complete before we are at the planting stage so I know not rushing is a good choice. More to come....

1 comment:

Sylvia said...

This is going to be a nice area and still no rain. You guys will probably get finished about the same time the neighbors finish their house. Just kidding!
G'ma S