Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Happy Easter

Happy (Late) Easter Everybody! Hope the bunny was good to you. Luckily for us he even travels to campsites. See...he left the boys all this great stuff in their baskets (OK well on their Easter decorated paper plates they made since we didn't have their baskets)
We made a quick trip to our favorite riding spot for the weekend since the kids & I had a 4 day. Good thing I remembered to bring the eggs & dye - no Easter is complete without dying eggs.
The boys were so excited to ride. It had been months since we had been. So long Cameron is quickly growing out of his bike and gave mine a try. Here they are dreaming of their ride on Saturday.
Hope you all had some good food and ate some candy. Happy Easter.

1 comment:

Sylvia said...

Happy Easter...Cameron is the green bike your Mom's? all have such style.
G'ma S