Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Am I in school?

I feel like I'm taking classes this semester.  Cameron has so much homework - much of which requires parental help.  I don't know but I just feel like homework can also often feel more like "busy work". Who needs busy work?  We work all day to come home and squeeze 90 minutes of homework into our evening that also includes laundry, dishes, making dinner - oh...and don't even try to schedule an afternoon appointment or errand into the mix - that is reserved for weekends!  Seems as though we are "busy" enough!  And what happens if you have more than one kid -  that poor other kid better find something to do because mom is gonna be busy for a while.  Seems to me it just takes away from what little family time that we have each day. OK, so if a kid is struggling in a subject go ahead and send home a little something extra for them to work on with their parents, but otherwise I say we leave school work at school.
That's my gripe for the day....now I'd better get off this computer I've - oops I mean Cameron has a report to work on. :-)

Here is Cameron showing off his 6 week long Sioux Indian report.  It was a very detailed report - I guess on the positive side he'll be a great paragraph writer & researcher.
 Thank goodness he got a good grade on this one, we spent hours on the computer researching for this.
 Below is a picture of the explorer Hernando de Soto
He is working on a 10 part 6 week project for this now.  UGGGHHH when is summer vacation!

1 comment:

Sylvia said...

Sir Hernando you are so handsome as I LOL. I love you
Cameron Ezell Norris. Great project work... Mel and Cam.
G'ma S