Friday, December 20, 2013


I celebrated my birthday Monday.  The kids (with Grandma Sylvia's help) made me this awesome sign.  Lucky me….so sweet.  Here we are ready to head out the door Monday morning.  Who knew Cameron had a 101.7 fever :( poor guy-needless to say we laid low that evening!
 Talk about lucky me…Eddie surprised me with these awesome flowers (in a very romantic way I might say) - wow…after all these year, it must be love!
 We have been having the most awesome sunrise & sets around here this week.  Got this shot on my way to work.
 Eddie got this on his way home.

1 comment:

Sylvia said...

Melissa I am so happy you had an exciting birthday. For all you do every day including the awesome job you do with your precious are one "incredible wife, mother, daughter-in-law, teacher and friend."
I respect all you do...I know the boys could not have a more understanding and nourishing Mom. They know their Mom rocks!
With love,
G'ma S