Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Not much going on around here

Just over here in school/work/homework/basketball mode.
Keeps us busy!
Here's a nice shot of a hot air balloon on the way to basketball the other day.  As y'all know I love seeing them - so Sonoma County (and a reminder of my mom-she loved them)
 A little coyote climb - a cool art exhibit up in Geyserville (wine country north of us about 30ish minutes) apparently there is an Art Trail with 30 or so exhibits between Geyserville & Cloverdale.  Kind-of random and cool.  Again Sonoma County for ya!
 The Hand
 Cooper had a practice piano recital yesterday after school.  He was so cute! Nervous but played great.
The real recital on the grand piano is in May.  He advised me last night we were going to be out of town that weekend so he was going to miss it.  Apparently we are going to Arkansas or somewhere that weekend. LOL

1 comment:

Sylvia said...

Melissa the beautiful hot air balloon in that field of dead grass makes me sad...this time of year everything should be bright and green with yellow mustard getting ready to shine like the sun! I loved living on Wikiup Meadows Drive because hot air balloons were everywhere! Since the county is growing so quickly this too will be short lived for spaces to land in open fields.
I love the coyote, must say that is a giant one and to be able to clinb up and sit down is really cool. I would live to hike that trail. Do you know if it is a bike trail? The hand, somthing about hands in Sonoma County, also one at the SR Mall...that one is sort of strange but has been there a very long time so obviously the town likes it. Cooper playing the piano...he can't get out of this one but you never know "he may think if something else by then, if not Arkansas? See you soon. Go Bronco's! Go Peyton!