Sunday, June 19, 2011

Lake Fun

We went to lake for a couple of days. Jeez it had been since last year 4th of July we had used our boat. It felt so good to get back on the water. We had great weather & a flat lake. Made for some good boating and lots of fun.
Eddie going for the high dive from the wakeboard tower (or the gun racks as Billy's friend in MS thought lol)
love this of us :-)
Roxy...a boating natural
Getting their tube on. Cameron & Roxy cracking up!
Now we just need to get her on some skis
Surfing on the tube
Cooper skiing. He's great at it and ready to wakeboard
Cameron wakeboarding for the first time behind the boat. Until now he'd only gone off the boom on the side of the boat. He got right up and went for quite a while. Go Cameron!

1 comment:

Sylvia said...

You guys had a great day! Everybody having a blast and then Cameron started feeling bad. It's amazing how much fun he was having to be so sick later.
At least he's on the up side now! I hope so since Ccooppeerr has cabin fever. Hugs to all and it was great talking to the boys today. I never get that kind of time. Hey sick may not be so bad!
G'ma S