Thursday, June 23, 2011


I guess summer isn't complete without spending a week @ Vacation Bible School. My sister & I used to go every year in Florida when we were at my dad's house, we both have many memories there. Anyway Cooper has spent this past week at VBS. He says, "I like it. I like the coloring." - It came in very handy as Cameron has been on the couch since last Thursday night with pneumonia. Poor guy has been so sick. We have made 3 trips to the doctor and finally yesterday he was put on new medications and seeming better today. It has been a rough 7days and we are all ready for him to feel better. So VBS saved Cooper this week, there are only so many movies you can sit through and so many obstacle courses you can design with couch cushions before you start to go stir crazy. Cooper decided he will go back next summer with Cameron, so at least it got him to try something new. :-)

Cooper sporting his VBS t-shirt holding his new CD -

1 comment:

Sylvia said...

I loved VBS as a child. I am so happy Cooper was able to go and Cameron will love it too next summer. I especially love the towel Cooper tie dyed. He's such a cool kid. Cameron I'm so happy you are getting well. I love you boys so much...WWW.
G'ma Sylvia