Not a lot going on around here, just back to our routine and keeping busy with sports & homework.
The boys are enjoying their school year so far. Cameron really likes being in middle school. The big dance is next weekend. In fact we ran out and got him some jeans today for it. We realized he doesn't have 1 pair - he lives in basketball shorts no matter the temperature.
Cooper has been busy with "play dates" - we've had friends over both days of the past 2 weekends. Whew I'm gonna need some wine!
Here is Cameron warming up for his first flag football game.
Cooper on the soccer field. He is a great player - He has scored every game (I think) and often more than once. Go Cooper!Cameron #64
Eddie has been on a camping trip and will be home tonight. I've been solo for a couple of days. Like I said- I'm going to need some wine! LOL