Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Got Eggs?

Grandma Patti has several egg layers at her house. With her last batch of chicks we decided wouldn't it be great to have some chickens of our own so we can have fresh eggs. She had an old dog house and gave us some suggestions on how to make it into a great chicken coop. We took the idea and ran with it. The boys got busy right away fixing up the coop. Then we made a fenced in area to keep them safe from the roaming critters around here. On Easter we picked the ones we want and once the chickens are old enough to determine who the girls are (no roosters here, Cameron already wakes us up early enough) we are ready to bring them home.

getting the trap door working for egg collecting

working good

a table to raise it off the ground

ta med for chickens (as one of our friends called it) . We added a tin roof which made it look really barn-like. I think once it rusts we should name it the "love shack". Can't wait for the fresh eggs.


BecomingExcellent said...

What a good idea! I would love to have my own fresh eggs everyday. You'll have to let us know how everything works out & share any good ideas on how to do the whole keeping hens alive and healthy enough to lay eggs thing :)

Sylvia said...

Farmer Ed he got an an an egg...he got sick I don't know how and he all he said was CLUCK CLUCK CLUCK! now sing this to Farmer Brown he had a cow!
(just rings in my head)...this is not so Eddie. I love it and the kids are over the top about it. Now G'Ma Patty can bring on the hens when she feels better. I cannot wait to see Cam and Coop's faces...when they show me how they gather the egg or eggs...

Mick of Mick and Heidi said...

oh man! I've been reading my hippie magazine (mother earth news) and have been wanting to get some chickens and a couple of camels (but that's another story). Maybe we should come visit to 1) check out your chicken coupe and 2) say hello to everyone.