Thursday, April 22, 2010

Party Time

Cooper had his birthday party at Pump It Up - an indoor inflatable bounce house. He had some friends from school and his cousins come to jump, slide & race though the obstacle course. After all the kids (and Eddie) got worn out we went to the party room to eat pizza, sing Happy Birthday and have ice cream cake (from ColdStone - yum).

Cooper coming down the slide in the obstacle course

Cameron coming down the BIG slide

Wrestling time - Eddie had more fun than the kids in here

Pizza time

Yum! cake

A quick pose - minus the kid who had a meltdown on the floor-you can see a few of the kids looking at him. :)
Cooper loved being king for the day. I'd say he had a pretty awesome 5th birthday.

1 comment:

Sylvia said...

Happy Birthday Cooper...sorry I missed your party. I will see you soon. Hugs
G'Ma S