Thursday, April 15, 2010

Happy Birthday Cooper!

Cooper celebrated his 5th birthday today. It was action packed and loads of fun.

We started the day by decorating cupcakes to take to school to share with his friends. They sang
him happy birthday and decorated a big birthday crown. Before school daddy took him and Cameron out to a birthday breakfast. They ate mickey mouse pancakes, hot chocolate with marshmallows and fruit with whipped cream on it. Boy was Eddie glad he got to drop them off at school and go to work. I'm guessing they were pretty amped up. (poor teachers)

After school Cooper decided he wanted to go to the skate park to ride for a while. We haven't been in several months. They tried their skateboards a bit then got some speed going on their scooters.
They love this big fish bowl. (Getting out can be a chore)

Cooper getting some speed.

We headed home to open presents. Cooper was quite surprised by the gift hiding outside.

A brand new bike (his first - you know that's how it works when you have an older brother). He loved it - hopped on and took off. I'll have to post the "bike show" another day :)

A favorite gift - spider man web shooters

After his favorite dinner - taco salad - we sang happy birthday and ate some yummy ice cream cake. Cooper decided to go for a pajama ride so they got all ready for bed and went out for one last ride before we read 'birthday' books and went to bed. Cooper had a great 5th birthday!


BecomingExcellent said...

Happy big 5 to Cooper! Those cupcakes look awesome--I know Dash would love them, he loves frogs!

Sylvia said...

I can't wait to get up there today to see him ride the bike and we'll have another party...These pics are great.